Category Blog

CNA Classes in Indianapolis

Indianapolis provides a perfect opportunity to individuals who seek to pursue a healthcare career as a CNA in the area. CNA training is regulated by the Indiana Licensing Agency, and the training college will also need to have gotten approval…

CNA Classes in Dallas, Texas

The demand for qualified healthcare workers to assist the senior medical staff is steadily rising throughout the world and Dallas is no different. The healthcare sector is rapidly booming here and is quite robust with lots of potential job opportunities…

CNA Classes in El Paso

As of now, there are many hospitals, clinics, elderly care centers and nursing homes that need to hire Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) in El Paso and this number is only expected to grow in the upcoming months. So, if you…

CNA Classes in Chicago

The need for certified nursing assistants in Chicago is skyrocketing. The Chicago Department of Public Health estimates that there are over 240,000 people in the state with Alzheimer’s disease and another 350,000 individuals who have some form of dementia. With…

10 Signs You Know You’re a ‘Real’ Nurse

How long does it take before you feel like you’re a “real” nurse? Orientation may be long behind you, yet you’re still not 100 percent confident in everything you’re doing. We seem to be missing that official rite of passage or…

10 Things Non-Nurses Will Never Understand

Weekends do not exist. When you are working on a 24/7 job, there is no difference between weekends and weekdays. A part of nurses life is to work also during the holidays. (Oh yeah!) So while everyone is celebrating TGIF, we…

10 Things Elderly Patients Want Nurses to Know

This nurse-patient relationship article was inspired when I, as an RN, recently spent four days in the hospital as a caregiver. It was for a family member who was delirious and unable to speak for himself. It was there when…

10 Strategies for Successful Nursing Legislation

The nursing profession has been, and will continue to be, affected by health care initiatives introduced to state and national legislators. These concerns will have a direct effect on every individual that utilizes health care today.In order to fully protect…

10 Signs You Need a Break from Your Nursing Job

How do you know when it’s time to take that well-deserved vacation from your nursing job? Are there any warning signs to watch out for? We asked our nursing community on Facebook and Reddit this question and here are their top replies: Two big…