Category Nursing School

25 Signs You Are (or Might Have Been) a Student Nurse!

You’re reading this article instead of studying. You know there is a huge difference between pre-nursing and the actual nursing program. You have become a hypochondriac germaphobe. You’ve given serious consideration to trying to give yourself an IV Bolus of…

Never Stop Learning! Why Self-Education Is Vital For Nurse Educators

The job description of a nurse educator is a comprehensive and constantly extended list of competencies and responsibilities. It includes delivering knowledge to nursing students, developing teaching materials and, more generally, improving clinical thinking abilities, facilitating a productive learning environment, arranging a…

What Kind of Nursing Student Are You?

Every one is unique and this also applies to nursing students. There are two types of students – ones who take responsibility for their learning and ones who don’t. I was supposed to guest lecture for a school of nursing on the east…

Top 5 Reference Websites for Nursing Students

If you are a nursing student, you will definitely be assigned a few papers to write that require some research. Or maybe you are just ambitious and have the urge to learn more. Thankfully, research is made easier with the…

Top 5 Anatomy Apps for Nursing Students

If there is one foundational class that every nursing student needs to have paid attention and retain, it is anatomy! Often one of the most difficult prerequisite classes, it truly is foundational knowledge from which EVERYTHING else will build upon.…

The Pharmacist’s Role in Patient Education

The public at large naturally expects to be counseled when obtaining medications at the pharmacy department’s pick-up counter.  Sadly, this is often not the case.  Many, if not all pharmacies, have an opt out signature pad which, when signed, permits the medications…

5 Reasons Why Nursing Students Are Afraid of Graduation

The life of a nursing student comes in phases. First is the excitement of getting into nursing school, the exhilaration of starting clinicals, and experiencing hands-on patient care. And then the countdown to graduation starts. But as it begins to loom…