Category Nurse Life

Don’t Take It So Personally…SHIFT IT!

Quit taking things personally! So much frustration and stress could be avoided if we could just remember these four powerful words in the midst of many workplace (or personal) encounters. When someone comments about your work or ideas and you don’t…

20 Clever Tips for New Nurses to Celebrate Their First Year

When you are a new nurse, its easy to be swept away by the currents of demanding patients, colleagues, managers, work schedule, hospital policies, procedures, manuals, technologies and many more. How do you ensure a good transition into the nursing profession? Here…

The Important Role of a Nurse Mentor

In coming years, let us devote ourselves as nurses who are passionate about what we do and passionate about the lives entrusted to us. With those lives, those patients we serve, we have experiences to share and stories to tell with…

Nurses and Personal Well Being: Building Your Circle of Support

If you’re like me, you have friends, and then you have “Friends”.  I like to think about “Friends” as my key friends in capital letters.  Sorting out real “Friends” from those who really are just acquaintances is a lifelong pursuit. …

7 Steps to a Healthier Work-Life Balance for Nurses

As a busy nurse, I often find it challenging to maintain a sense of healthy work-life balance. Sometimes I find myself running from task to task, taking care of everyone around me,only to get home and do more of the…

Nurse’s Cap: To Wear Or Not To Wear

We asked its Facebook audience the question, “Are you glad that we don’t have to wear the traditional nursing caps that were once worn?” This stirred up a strong discussion. Also known as deaconesses, seen by many as a powerful…

Nursing Care: Be The Consummate Advocate For Your Patients

Florence Nightingale prepared the nursing profession by providing a sound collection of values from which we all practice, until today. Three of the most profound of those values include the belief in human dignity, equality of all patients and the…

Should Nurses Have Romantic Relationships With Patients?

Ahh, Valentine’s Day. Love is in the air… But wait! I’m a nurse and I find myself falling in love with a patient. What do I do? Is this considered an occupational hazard? Is it even allowed? From a practical angle, both…

5 Things All Successful Nurses Do Day by Day

Get to work on time. No one likes waiting around to give report, especially after a long day. Yet there are always those few nurses who habitually come in to work late. This is rude and unprofessional. Get to work on…

4 Ways To Bring Back Joy In Nursing

Since I was 10 years old, I have wanted to be a nurse. Back in that day, I had to wait over a decade to get through high school and then nursing school before my dream came true when I finally…