Category Tips

10 Tips for Effective Supervision for Your Nursing Team

I spent years as an instructor, floor nurse, supervisor and director. Much of my education in these areas took place on the job and through trial-and-error. This isn’t the most fun way to learn especially when you are expected to be…

10 Tips for New Nurses to Gain Respect at Work

At one point or another, we all have been the new nurse on the unit. This could happen due to being a new grad, changing jobs or specialties. Regardless, we have all been there. That being said, here are ten tips all…

10 Tips for Nurse Practitioners to Avoid Burnout

How can taking care of one’s self have anything to do with business? As a nurse practitioner, you work hard; most likely you work harder than you ever did as an employed person. This is especially true during your first years in…

100 Ways to Cut 100 Calories Daily For Nurses Health

If you’re trying to lose a few pounds, try these easy-to-do activities and diet tips to take 100 calories out of your day. Improving your overall health is essential as a nurse. Your patients look up to you as role models for…

11 Tips and Techniques for Your Nursing Interview

Nursing interviews are easy and stress-free, right? Well, not exactly, but following the tips and techniques below will help create a smoother interview and get you the new position you have been dreaming for. Just follow the following approach and you…

11 Tips for Nurses to Reduce Stress and Master Wellbeing

Stress is part of life, especially for all nurses. Here are 11 practical tips to master wellbeing and manage your stress. Keep this list handy and work on making course corrections as you navigate through your life! Get a grip…

12 Tips on Getting Rid of Pollen Allergies Indoors and Outdoors

As the season of spring approaches sooner rather than later, people who suffer from asthma might not have very spring-filled, happy experiences. Plant and tree pollen cause seasonal allergies and can work as an asthma trigger. Due to these pollens, asthma patients…

3 Tips to Get Over Trouble as a Nursing Professional

Did you ever get called into your manager’s office or asked to meet with your nursing instructor? Do you immediately think, “Uh oh. What did I do?” Right away you think you’re in trouble. That despite your attempts to be the…

Your Nursing Care Guide to Handling an Angry Patient

Nurses today often face the challenge of an angry patient. Nurses usually work directly with patients much more than doctors, so they are usually the ones that are on the receiving end of this anger. This anger can be verbal, passive, aggressive…