Category CNA

Politics And Nursing: Get Involved!

With the health care reform finally here, politics and nursing are not far off from each other. Now and again, we have proven that nurses can heal an entire nation. But how can we be more involved? Regardless of the political season,…

Would You Give Up Your Seat in the Nurses’ Station?

If you have been a nurse for any length of time, you know how precious the seats at the nurses’ station really are. These seats are a rare commodity; one to be cherished and guarded once you snag one. It is also…

Career Advancement: Ways to Move Up in the Nursing World

Whether you’re considering a rewarding career as a nurse or you’ve already embarked on the path of nursing, moving up is not possible, it’s probable. Depending upon the level of nursing that you start in, you have a variety of…

10 Hard Truths of the Nursing Profession You Should Know Sooner

Throughout my 23-year nursing career I have worked in many capacities too numerous to mention. I’ve become a staff educator, assistant director of nursing for a 500-bed facility, CNA/red cross training, long-term care supervisor and charge nurse, hospice nurse and, most recently,…

What CNAs Should Expect In A Job Interview

There are various keen areas that job interviewers of CNAs look into. Interviews are meant to ensure that a nursing home or hospital gets the most qualified individuals to handle their patients. This means that they will be thorough in assessing the…

The Benefits of Working as a CNA During Nursing School

I worked as a CNA for sixteen years before going to nursing school. I truly think to be a CNA before nursing school makes you a better nurse. There is no way to understand exactly what someone’s job entails until you…

Do You Need Medical Experience Before Going to Nursing School

We recently asked the question “Do you think one should gain medical experience before jumping into nursing school?” Most of you responded yes, arguing it would act as a filter for programs and offered students confidence. Those who don’t agree made…