Category Health & Wellness

Even Short Bouts of Exercise Are Beneficial for Busy Nurses

If you are having trouble carving out an hour or more each day for exercise, then you might want to think about shorter rounds of exercise for nurses to help you stay fit and healthy. Current U.S. guidelines recommend that we should…

Beat Nursing Stress: 4 Quick Relaxation Techniques

Nursing stress is part of a nurse’s job. Managing stress is vital for every nurse’s health. It is important to find time to relax and beat stress after work. If you are having a little trouble unwinding after work, you must…

Nursing Health: Using Humor as Self-Care

If there’s one question that comes up more than any other when I speak to nurses about using the power of humor to have better lives, it’s this: My life isn’t very funny. How do I get more humor into…

Nursing Wellness: Toolkit To A Happy Work Life

The success of anything we do depends on our attitude. If we decide that we are going to be successful at something, we are right. If we decide that we are not going to be successful at something, we are…

6 Easy Time Management Tools for Nursing Wellness

Apart from being a nurse and health coach, I also have part-time jobs managing my own company, contributing to nurse and coaching associations and studying to advance my education. These are the things that test my nursing time management skills. I…