Category Healthcare

Humanity, Health Care And Haitian Disaster Relief

On January 12, an earthquake registering 7.0 struck outside the capital city of Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  Haiti, a small, Caribbean island nation of only 27, 700 km, which shares the island with the Dominican Republic, is one of the closest neighbors of…

Healthcare Workers: We Are the 4 Percent

An article that I read today made me do some very quick math. It confirmed something that I had long known qualitatively but put it into a very stark perspective. Healthcare workers are a distinct minority! While reading a copy of the…

Healthcare and Profits

Little stirs people more than profits in healthcare. Profits of hospitals, insurance companies, medical devices and pharmaceutical companies seem to many as making money from sick people who are forced into purchasing services out of no fault of their own. Clearly, if…

Health Care’s Post-Election Future

The 2012 election is over. Speeches (victory and conceding) have been made and (hopefully) the many signs along the roadway will be retrieved and recycled. With all of the speeches, debates and advertisements made, the end result looks very much…

Health Care the Way It Was Meant to Be

Of all the arts, the healing arts are about as personal as you can get. Whether you are a surgeon about to crack a chest, a school nurse worried about a rising temperature, or a street medic first on scene…

Health Care Spending – Part II

President Obama clearly has been educated about U.S. health care prevention deficits.   That’s why he’s seeking $684 billion over the next ten years for health care reform.  And, he’s said that a good percentage of this should go to preventative care. So,…