Category Nursing School

10 Things You May Not Have Learned in Nursing School

There are a multitude of things you need to learn in nursing school and students may found themselves bombarded with clinical know-hows. But as much as these things are important, there are still some facts only a practicing nurse can teach you. People…

5 Classes to Take Before Your Nursing Program Starts

When I began nursing school, I was concerned about passing the tests, waking up early for clinical, and finding the time to complete all of the plans of care, group projects, and NCLEX practice questions. Even after graduation, there was no…

12 Things Nursing Students Should Never Post on Social Media

Social media is an excellent outlet for nursing students during these rough two to four years of homework, tests, NCLEX preparations, and clinical. However, social media can also be a dangerous place. Nurses and healthcare providers have been penalized for…

How To Be A Pro At Starting IVs In Nursing School.

Hi guys, Heather here. Since it’s summer, ice cream is so good this time of year I thought I would ask what your favorite ice cream is. Mine is cookies and cream. I love it so much. May I recommend,…

What to Do When Your Nursing Program Lost Accreditation

Choosing a nursing program may be a life-changing decision. And if that program loses accreditation, it can be disastrous. Here’s a guide to help you out when that happens. Prevention Better than Cure As they say, prevention is better than…

10 Ways to Manage Your Student Loans from Nursing School

You have probably heard in the news lately conflicting reports about the economy with student loans being hailed as the next “financial crisis”. Student debt even affects students in traditionally “employable” professions such as nursing. Nursing school can cost more than other…