10 Beliefs That Will Improve Your Nursing Career

Hospitals are some of the most stressful working environments in the United States today. Doctors and nurses all over the country know their work is more than worth the hectic days, but everyone falls into stress eventually. For nurses, the hustle and bustle of the day can often be overwhelming.

In order to better serve their patients and themselves, here are 10 beliefs to help nurses better their career on a daily basis:

  1. Do Not Judge
    Being judgmental of various patients is one of the best ways for a nurse to get into a sour mood. Keeping an open mind to every situation will equip a nurse to better assist their patient no matter what they think personally.

    For example, a patient that has gone through drug rehab can benefit far better from a nurse who is understanding than one who is judgmental. Disconnect personal beliefs and be there for the patient no matter what.

  2. Welcome Diversity
    Nurses will interact with patients of different ethnicities, religions, personal beliefs and backgrounds every day. In order to obtain an open mind for all their patients, nurses should welcome diversities of all kinds. It is better for both the nurse and the patient to keep an open mind to all races or beliefs.
  3. Be Compassionate
    No patient lying in a hospital bed likes to feel like they have a nurse that simply does not care. Having compassion is not the same as pitying someone, but rather feeling for their situation. Rather than simply going about the duties of the day, nurses should take the time to talk to their patients, let them know they care and that they are compassionate.
  4. Offer a Smile
    Even if it is the worst day of a nurse’s life, offering a smile to their patients can make the work day ten times better. A negative attitude can bleed onto everyone that a nurse comes in contact with. By communicating their distress, a nurse can easily make their patients distressed as well, creating a chain reaction.
  5. Put the Patients First
    It may be a busy day filled with a million things to do, but when a nurse is caring for a patient, that patient should be their number one priority. If they need a little extra time to discuss something or they need special assistance, time should be set aside to help them before moving on.
  6. Be Aware
    A nurse should always be aware of each patient’s situation and how to properly care for them. They should also be aware of their patient’s personalities and feelings. With this constant awareness in play, a nurse can truly understand their patients on a deeper level.
  7. Welcome Honesty
    A patient can tell when nurses are whispering about their condition behind their back. No nurse should hide the truth from their patient. Keep them updated on what is happening to them, do not sugarcoat the truth and allow them the opportunity to be strong.
  8. Offer Support
    If someone’s condition begins to worsen, a nurse should be a beam of support for them. Often, patients need someone to give them strength and offer supportive words or actions and a nurse should be willing to be that person.
  9. Stay in the Moment
    When caring for patients, a nurse should stay in the moment with them. They should not be thinking of future obligations, worries or stresses. The best thing to do is be in the moment with their patient and not move on until they have walked out of the door. This will also help with thinking clearly.
  10. Embrace a Connection
    Nurses need to understand that their purpose goes beyond just taking care of people, but actually caring for them. A nurse’s purpose goes so much farther than just their lives, their worries and their stress. Once a nurse accepts the lives and hearts that they hold, their job will change.