10 Crazy Things Patients Say That Will Make You Want to Facepalm

If you think it’s toxic to be a nurse, give it a second thought. Patients can be really funny at times and they can take all that stress away. Laugh out loud with some of these!

1. Patient: “Are you a RN or a RNN?”
Me: “What’s a RNN?”
Patient: “Real naughty nurse”

He was a male nurse and the patient was a 80 year old man. -malenurse419
2. “So what brought you into the hospital?”
“An ambulance.”

He wasn’t necessarily wrong. -obamas_socks


3. I already diagnosed myself on the Internet, I’m only here for a second opinion.

Oh so now Google is more trustworthy than us?


4. There was a code in the middle of the night and the patient in the next room yells out – “Can you keep it down in there!”

Wish we could, really wish we could. -adreamtomeat
5. Nurse: Are you allergic to anything?
Patient: Yeah, ugly woman.

Keep calm ladies, you’re all beautiful women.


6. “Oh I’m just so constipated! Please bring me some eye drops!”

Did we miss something about new drugs or medications?


7. Nurse: Do you have any medical conditions?
Patient: No
Nurse: Are you sure?
Patient: Never
Nurse: What medications do you take?
Patient: Insulin… for my diabetes

Are you sure diabetes isn’t a medical condition?


8. “Can I have this Samsung TV set changed to Sony?”

Would there be a difference? Even hotel guests don’t request such a thing.


9. Why did you choose to be a male nurse? You’re probably gay.

Now aren’t you one stereotypical patient.


10. A British lady who had Alzheimer’s says… “Why Robert (not the nurse’s name) not only are you my husband, but you’re my brother!