10 Habits of Highly Successful Nursing Students

Whether you are going back to school or you are starting your nursing program, there are certain things you can do to ensure your success. Most people do not go into their program with a strategy in mind. In this short article, there are 10 habits you can implement to help you get through the program and enjoy the process.

Nursing School is a great goal and it is one you will cherish. Even though you will have to study, let’s look at ways you can make the most of this time so you can ace the exams and really learn the material.

Highly successful nursing students engage in these 10 habits.

1. Make a commitment to your program.

Understand why you want to get your degree and write it out. Will it advance your career, give you greater opportunities to teach, allow you to travel the country?  Know the reason you are going to school and keep this in the forefront of your mind to keep you going through the tough times.

2. Master your energy and your time.

Be careful of the time wasters and the energy drains. Spending too much time on social media is actually a drain and can definitely chew up the time you need to study. Set a daily schedule so you have time to text, tweet and post. Use a timer and when the time is up put away your phone to keep from getting off track. The frequent distraction from email and social media slows down your ability to process and learn, increasing the time to fulfill your assignments and increasing stress. Drink plenty of water and eat healthy; avoid sugary, fast processed snacks which leave you with brain fog.

3. Study effectively.

This doesn’t mean cramming in as much as you can just to get through the test. It also doesn’t mean you have your books open but you are posting about the party last night! When you study – just study. Lock your phone up to avoid temptation. Effective study means you read the material before class and as the Professor discusses it, you take notes. It will make more sense and you will remember it better this way. Test yourself on the material between classes and before the test. Resist looking things up in the book, see what you know and write that out before you give in and look it up. Join a study group that is focused on the materials and not the latest gossip.

4. Know your limits.

You will have to push yourself during school and this actually builds confidence as you move past your comfort zone. Know when you are in need of a break and take it.

5. Practice Self Care.

This is so important when you are in a demanding program like Nursing. The first few steps will protect you from procrastination and last minute cramming which undermines long term success. Be sure to exercise. Do you know that 30 minutes on a treadmill increases your productivity by 15%. Be sure to get your 8-9 hours of sleep. No compromises. This discipline pays off big time helping you enjoy the process of learning!

6. Avoid stinkin’ thinkin’.

If you are prone to thinking in terms of the worst case scenario or conjuring up scenarios of failing or missing graduation, stop that stampede of negativity before it saps your motivation and your energy.

7. Beware of test anxiety.

A lot of time this anxiety happens when you are not prepared. You have to have a study strategy and follow it every time. Read the material, review study guides, test yourself, write out the answers, and learn to use some basic mindfulness during your study time. Deep breathing, in on a count of 4 and then exhale on a count of 4 offers natural relaxation. See yourself acing the test and easily remembering the material. Arrive early to the test, have a good breakfast and stress free morning. Don’t party the night before and sleep well.

8. Build in rewards and mini celebrations.

Waiting until graduation to celebrate is too long of a time to feel successful. Plan ahead and note the milestones on your calendar and plan a reward for all those milestones you completed.

9. Ask for help.

If you are stuck and do not understand something, ask for clarification. Get a tutor or help from someone to learn the material. If you need help managing aspects of your life, ask for help from friends of family.  People around you want your success, let them help you.

10. Be curious and persistent.

School is a challenge and requires energy because it changes the way you see the world. This is a good thing. When you are curious and ask questions, it works out your brain, enhances your memory and makes it easier to learn. Being persistent is the other aspect of being curious, stick to the subject and push through whatever your do not understand. Questioning, clarifying and breaking the material down into manageable chunks makes it easier to digest the material.

Use these tips, school is not just about the knowledge you gain from the content, it is also about the discipline you develop in your lifestyle, habits and in your thoughts.  See yourself succeeding, take care of yourself, and study effectively and you will enjoy your program and feel really good about yourself. To your success!