10 Ways All Nurses Are The Same As Superheroes

Nurses are the front line of defense for not only health but actual wellness. Nurses have a serious job to do, but find the time to be compassionate and caring while handling life and death situations.

Nurses are some of the real life superheroes. Here are 10 facts that prove it.

  1. Nurses Are Immune To ‘The Gross Factor’
    During your time as a nurse, chances are good you’ve had a variety of fluids and substances on your person that belong inside another person. You don’t have time to whine or complain, however, there are lives to save!
  2. You Leap Tall Stacks Of Paperwork In a Single Bound
    Charts, notes, organization- nurses handle it all with a little help from the incredible medical administrative staff. You even remember little things about each patient and find a way to brighten their day.
  3. Nurses Are Impenetrable
    You’re not technically bullet-proof, but the constant exposure to all sorts of diseases and mandatory vaccinations bring you pretty close to it. Your immune system is on point, and it’s a good thing since you don’t have time to get sick.
  4. Nurses Juggle Hair Raising Feats At Work And Still Have Family Lives
    It would be one thing if nurses were specialized androids that helped save lives and care for the ailing all day, only to roll into a garage every night to recharge. The real truth is, every nurse is someone’s mother, father, child or cherished friend.

    You don’t just keep everyone’s day on track at work. You’re special to your loved ones at home, too.

  5. Nurses Bust Gender Stereotypes
    Traditionally, nursing was a career dominated by women. That’s changing, however. One in every 10 nurses in the UK is a man, and that trend is expected to continue.
  6. You’re Totally Fearless
    Things happen to you on a daily basis that would make any normal mortal cower in fear. You take it in stride because it’s all part of a day’s work when you’re a nurse.
  7. You’re a Human Decoder
    Strange symptom list? You got this. Confused and frightened patient? You’ll soothe them or know what steps to take to ensure their safety. Doctor’s handwriting: you’re like a walking rubric. Not to mention medical codes and insurance, crazy abbreviations lay people can’t fathom, and the diverse number of languages you hear at work.
  8. You Have Nerves Of Steel
    Man Of Steel, move over! Nurses have the kind of emotional stability that is hard to even imagine. Every day on the job is stressful, and sometimes tragedy strikes. In spite of all the ups and downs, you hang in there and set a calming example for patients and your fellow staff.
  9. Flexibility Is One Of Your Super Powers
    No two days at your job are alike. Your hours change, your duties change, every patient is different and every situation calls for the ability to quickly assess and pivot. You excel at all of these things like it’s second nature.
  10. Your Superhero Outfit Is On Point
    Every superhero needs a suit, and you’ve got one. Your scrubs are comfortable enough to allow you to twist and turn just like your schedule does. You’ve broken free from the consumer cycle of ‘work clothes’ and let your superpowers shine through your uniform.