11 Crazy Thoughts That Seem Logical When Preparing for the NCLEX

  1. I need to memorize this entire NCLEX prep book. I seriously think that some people try to do this. They really believe that if they can regurgitate the information, they’ll know the right answers when it’s time for the exam. But let’s be clear—I was totally one of these people. I wanted to be able to recite every.single.page.
  2. If I do not pass this exam, I will never be a nurse. Like never-ever-ever. This thought crossed my mind more than once. I really believed that my career as a nurse would be over before it ever even began if I failed the NCLEX. Failing seemed so final.
  3. I need to know the properties of every drug in the history of ever.  Maybe you’re the nursing student scrambling to memorize every single drug you’ve ever come across. And you’re trying to memorize its class, its side-effects, its contraindications, and… you get the picture. After a while, all the “ol’s” and “pam’s” start to sound the same and the only thing you know at the end is that you need a “pam.”
  4. If I only have 75 questions, that means I passed. This HAS to be an urban myth (right!??!). Of course, I knew a ton of people who swore they only had 75 questions on their exam… you know, because they were just that smart.
  5. If I do more than 125 questions, that means I failed. And I’m an idiot. And refer to #2.
  6. I bet I can find some spy glasses on Ebay. No joke, I SERIOUSLY questioned whether I should buy spy glasses. Because… you know, maybe someone can be on the other end, telling me all the right answers. True story 🙁
  7. I need to stay up all night studying before the exam. I’ve been training my body to do this since I started nursing school. Sleep is overrated, and if I do not study for those 4 hours, I will for-sure fail (again, refer to #2).
  8. If I fail, everyone will think I’m an idiot. Failure will be plastered on my face and everyone will know I’m a non-nurse, a wannabe.
  9. I need those spy glasses so I can review the questions later, if/when I fail. Um, I need a backup plan.
  10. What if there was never really an ivory tower? What if we went through every semester of nursing school, answering every question as if there were some magical ivory tower, only to find out they’re going to real-world it to us on the actual NCLEX?!?
  11. If I have to retake this exam, it will follow me for the rest of my career.  I really believed that if I failed the exam, it would follow-me like a dark cloud for the rest of my life. But let’s face it, if you fail, you study and then you take it again! And when you finally pass, you’re a nurse, just like the rest of them that passed the first time!