12 Tips on Getting Rid of Pollen Allergies Indoors and Outdoors

As the season of spring approaches sooner rather than later, people who suffer from asthma might not have very spring-filled, happy experiences. Plant and tree pollen cause seasonal allergies and can work as an asthma trigger.

Due to these pollens, asthma patients may suffer from irritation in their airway tubes which carry oxygen to the lungs. This might lead to serious symptoms due to the reaction caused by inhaling these pollens. Non-asthma patients having developed sensitivities and/or allergies are also likely to go through the following symptoms: sneezing, watery eyes, nasal congestion, runny nose, itchy throat, and cough.

Did You Know? Almost 40 million cases are reported for seasonal allergies in America alone.

People now seek medical help and treatment as they have finally found the cause of their allergy or asthma that flares up during this season. Due to this, the number of patients has been reduced as compared to the past years. Despite this, the amount of pollen produced every season varies and a large amount of pollen produced eventually acts as an allergen.

Before the season and the allergies are finally here, prepare yourself to fight off these seasonal allergies through these simple tips.

Tips for the home:

  • Your windows and outside doors should be kept closed and in order to breath in allergen free air, you can install air filters indoors by placing them in your furnace and air conditioning system.
  • Using windows or fans during the pollen season can result in spreading it all around you. Using an air-conditioner instead to keep your house cool is a smarter option than fans or windows
  • Your clothing and bedding may bring in these allergens into your house. Dry them in a dryer, rather than hanging them outside.
  • Pets spending too much time outdoors can also be carrying pollen in their fur or on their skin. If you are allergic then don’t let these pets in your bedroom or places you spend most of your time in.

Tips for outdoors:

For people with allergies and asthma patients, it is recommended for them to stay indoors during pollen season. However, if it is really important for you to go out, then these tips will keep the allergies and breathing problems at bay.

  • A mouth and nose covering mask, specifically for asthma patients will keep molds and pollen out of your airways and will let you breath pollen-free.
  • While driving keep your window glass rolled-up and use the air-conditioner to keep the temperature normal.
  • The peak time of pollen dust to spread is morning. Make sure, you stay indoors during early morning or wear your mask to keep things under control.
  • If your eyes are also sensitive to pollen then keep them covered through sunglasses.
  • If your garden has fully grown grass and you have to trim it down then make sure you wear your mask.
  • Vacations during the pollen season should only be limited to regions with minimum or no pollen count. If you are traveling, don’t forget to bring your medication along.
  • Make sure when you come back home from the outdoors , you take a shower specifically washing your hair
  • People with allergies should leave their shoes outdoors to control allergens.

When your body reacts to something, then it is a sign that there are certain elements your body is not accepting. If you are prepared to fight these problems by staying a step ahead, you can actually enjoy spring without worrying about allergies or asthma.