12 Ways Nurses Can Take Control of Their Happiness

Nursing is a profession where you do not get to choose what kind of shift you are going to have. Very often, your choices are the result of someone else’s decision. This impacts nurse wellness. But you do have control over how you choose to feel.

Do you realize that happiness is a choice you make moment by moment? Remind yourself with these positive affirmations that you choose how you feel even though you cannot always choose what is happening in your day and in your life. Take charge. Choose well!
1. Choose to be happy. Make a decision and make it your intention/commitment everyday under all circumstances.
2. Choose to take responsibility for your life including your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, experiences, values, behavior.
3. Choose to see things differently and to see new possibilities and options rather reacting in fear – attempt to see things from another’s perspective.
4. Choose peace over conflict and love over fear. Listen to music that inspires and fulfills you.
5. Choose to be joyful and to create fun and enjoyable activities in your life.
6. Choose to see problems as opportunities, challenges and gifts.
7. Choose to forgive and let go of judgments and grievances.
8. Choose to be positive and optimistic.
9. Choose to be loving and giving (generous) and to join with others.
10. Choose to be appreciative and grateful for both small and big things/experiences in your life.
11. Choose to discover, listen to and follow your inner desires – explore your purpose for your life.
12. Choose to connect with the Divine realm and develop a conscious relationship with God.

We cannot always change what happens in our life however we can choose how we respond to what life gives us. Choose happiness and peace.