25 Signs You Are (or Might Have Been) a Student Nurse!

  1. You’re reading this article instead of studying.
  2. You know there is a huge difference between pre-nursing and the actual nursing program.
  3. You have become a hypochondriac germaphobe.
  4. You’ve given serious consideration to trying to give yourself an IV Bolus of 500ml Black Coffee PRN.
  5. You speak in acronyms and abbreviations. “Yeah, I was donning my PPE when the pt. down the hall had a CVA. Then an MI! Clinical sure was crazy today.”
  6. You know some of these abbreviations are not accepted but they are used pretty much QD.
  7. The first time you gave someone an injection the more you thought about how hard your hands were shaking, the worse they shook.
  8. Sometimes when you hear the alarm clock go off at 4 a.m. for clinical, you instinctively fall out of the bed running for the crash cart.
  9. You suddenly become much more religious and superstitious before a calculations exam, clinical day, or skills competency. “If I use the purple pencil and chew gum, I will get an A. Just like last time.”
  10. You will never wear white pants ever again. Ever.
  11. You’ve sat in a chair and listened to your own heart and lung sounds for at least 15 minutes.
  12. You have driven a patient crazy by checking on them every 15 minutes.
  13. You always have an irrational fear of the next semester.
  14. You’ve skipped a party you really wanted to go to because you had to study for an exam
  15. You’re overwhelmed a majority of the time.
  16. You create schedules constantly. “If I study for the next hour, I can sleep for two hours. Then I’ll get back up and study for 3 hours and take this endocrine exam.”
  17. Weird smells don’t bother you anymore.
  18. You have consumed a great deal of “Chocolate Therapy.”
  19. You’ve told a date that they have really nice veins.
  20. Some of your best friends are fellow nursing students.
  21. You find yourself using therapeutic communication in intense conversations.
  22. You had one clinical rotation that was especially traumatizing for you.
  23. You have had the opportunity to touch numerous lives.
  24. You have learned as much about yourself as you have nursing.
  25. Despite all of the ups and downs, you wouldn’t want to do anything else in the world. You are totally pumped to be pursuing such an awesome career!