5 Health Tips to Melt Away a Nurse’s Muffin Top

It’s a sneaky little problem. As we age our middle starts to expand, and fat seems to magically appear at the waistline. Ironically, the current fashion trend is the low-rise pant, which allows that middle to hang over the edge – as if you planned to show it off.Not satisfied with this muffin top look?Nurses, follow this health strategy to attack the fat, and subsequently get lean enough to stop being concerned about it.

First, however, let’s talk about why the excess weight around the middle is there to begin with. Carrying weight around the mid-section is due to several factors: bearing children (stretching and weakening the abdominal muscles and skin), a slower metabolism (that naturally occurs with age and contributes to weight gain), less activity associated with age, and hormonal changes that can concentrate abdominal fat deposition in particular.

To get a handle on the situation (not a love-handle, mind you) implement this plan of attack for the muffin top:

1. Do consistent cardio. Increase cardiovascular exercise to 5-7 days a week, from 45 minutes to an hour. Walking at a fast pace, jogging, biking and cardio classes are examples of cardio exercises. This may seem like a lot, but the goal is to burn calories while also keeping your cardiovascular system strong. Keep in mind that often the belly-fat seems like the last to go – that’s because, in many of us, there’s more fat to lose it in that area.

2. Strength train 2-3 times a week. Toning all of your muscles will make them more metabolically active, and thus burn more calories, which will benefit overall body weight-loss and maintenance. Of course you’ll want to include your abdominal muscles, which involves the upper, lower and side abdominals. For upper abdominal exercises, try some crunches on the ball. For lower abdominal exercises, perform flutter kicks while lying on the ground. Then bring knees to chest, and then straighten legs out to one inch off the ground). For oblique exercises (your side abdominal muscles), side bends, side crunches and side planks work that area really well. There is no such thing as “spot reduction.” For overall well-being and muscle balance, work all body parts.

3. Dance. Zumba, belly dancing and other forms of dancing involve the entire hip/abdominal area for awesome toning results, increased spinal flexibility and overall coordination. Dance makes for a great calorie-burning workout. And you have a good time, too.

4. Keep your weight in check. If youstay at a healthy weight, your belly fat will be less noticeable. Weight loss and maintenance must include both activity and healthful eating. You can do this simply by keeping portion sizes moderate and eating natural foods – including lots of fruits and vegetables, and limiting sugar and white starches. Research has shown that excess alcohol can contribute to belly fat. Drink in moderation.

5. Wear the right pant size and style. Realistically, some of us will still have to deal with the muffin top despite all of our best efforts. To appear lean and fit make sure your pant waist extends above your belly button, and that the pant size is big enough to keep from squeezing fat over the top. Spandex material included in the overall pant fabric can also offer a girdle-type benefit, as would wearing a tummy-taming support hose or panty underneath your pants (for the ladies, of course). In the meantime, keep up thecardio health exercises, nurses, and you will eventually prevail.