5 Reasons Why You Should Pick Nursing as a Career

Well yeah sure nursing is a noble career because of all of the noble work you do to save whatever is left of our humanity, but there’s a lot more that makes nursing as one of the best career options around. Read on.

1. Plenty of jobs for you

That’s true. There are plenty of jobs out there for you – and good ones. With all the technological advancements that are being made in the field of medicine, mortality rates are decreasing; that means more people require personal and collaborative medical assistance to improve the quality of their life as they fight through chronic illnesses.

The healthcare and nursing industry is currently the fastest growing industry thus creating a perpetually unsaturated pool of job opportunities. Aside, a number of employers valued people who have nursing as a second-career even more. So if you’re working as a nurse in your spare time, you’re more likely to get ‘that’ other job too that you applied for.

2. Nursing offers a great deal of flexibility

Even people who have been working a 9 to 5 routine for years agree that it becomes boring after a certain length of time, unless they ‘really’ love’ what they’re doing. But nursing is a career that offers an unimaginable amount of flexibility – there are so many options across the table that you’ll never get bored of what you’re doing.

Not only do nursing and senior care franchises give nurses the flexibility to choose a work location that suits their lifestyle, but they can also choose to work full-time or part-time. Those working part-time have the added advantage of pursuing side goals while still being able to make a decent amount of money for themselves. Students (particularly medical students) working as a part-time nurse not only add a major plus to their resume, but can also generate a good source of income to minimize or avoid student debt.

3. Each day is inspiring

Nursing is a life-changing experience – pun intended. Every job has its fair share of ups and downs, but the challenges and rewards associated with nursing can be far more intense and dramatic than those in any other job.

As a nurse you’ll come across more varying situations and experiences on a daily basis that will excite you about your work even more – each day truly is different from the one that just went by. Not to mention, there‘s a lot that you will learn about life in your attempts to help patients survive through chronic potentially life-threatening medical conditions. Every little breath that we breathe is a gift, and no one understands this better than a nurse who spends countless hours with people struggling day and night. So as you grow, your respect for human life and empathy for suffering will inspire others too.

4. Nursing pays well

If you were to make a list of the best paying jobs, most of the ones entering the top 10 would be some form of practicing physicians and surgeons. This not only implies that doctors are usually the ones earning in the six figure bracket, but it also means that pay scales in the healthcare industry are generally good.

Nurses who have just graduated can expect a starting salary above the medium income mark, and those with experience are usually paid well. The median income for a nurse is approximately $66,000. That’s even better than what a decent lawyer would make.

5. You’ll always be an essential community asset

Periods of economic recession generally hit the job market real hard, especially the financial and marketing sector. Big corporations will downsize by getting rid of thousands of employees just to cut down their expenses in bad times. But whether it’s chronic or acute, urgent or emergent, people won’t stop getting sick, and they won’t stop requiring medical assistance either.

In fact, employing a greater number of nurses in hospitals and medical facilities helps to reduce mortality. Nurses provide of great positive sense of well-being to patients suffering from chronic conditions. Such as cancer or osteoporosis, and have been shown to reduce the dependence on health services to an extent. So even if people outside the medical circle are losing jobs, your job will always be secure.