5 Ways to Supercharge Your Health and Be a New Nurse for the New Year

Are you planning to make a New Year’s resolution to be a “new nurse” this upcoming year? You’re not alone. According to the American Psychological Association, lifestyle changes such as weight loss, quitting smoking, and increasing exercise are the top 3 New Year’s resolutions in America.

But do these resolutions really work to help change unhealthy behaviors in individuals? Sometimes they do. Those who make resolutions are ten times more likely to successfully change their behavior than those who don’t. While about 60 percent of people drop their resolutions by the six-month mark, some come back to the resolution in the following years to finally achieve success.

To help you achieve your goal of becoming a “new nurse,” here are five tips to increase your chances of success:

  1. Have a clear objective.Examples of clear objectives are: “Lose weight for my vacation in March” or “Increase my energy level so that I can play more with the kids.”
  2. Make your goal realistic.“Lose 2-3 pounds every week” or “Eat 5 fruits and vegetables servings a day” are realistic goals. Meanwhile, “Lose 20 pounds in two weeks” would be an unrealistic goal.
  3. Enjoy what you choose to do to meet your goal.If you don’t enjoy the process to reach the goal, chances are that you will quit. So choose healthy foods you like and participate in an exercise program that you look forward to, not dread.
  4. Remove the obstacles and make it convenient.For example, pack healthy foods in your bag. That way, you end up eating those when you get the munchies, instead of unhealthy foods or smoking a cigarette. Also pack a pair of rubber shoes in your bag when you encounter impromptu opportunities to walk.
  5. Expect setbacks.Make a pact with yourself that if you stray from the plan, you will jump right back into it. Do not get overly discouraged. Remind yourself that it’s more important to stay on the plan more often than not, than give up because you didn’t stick to the plan 100% perfectly.