7 Ways Nurses Can Eat Healthy at Work During the Holidays

As the holidays approach, it’s time to beware. All of our nursing units will be filled with good cheers and lots of fattening wares like cakes, candies, and other high calorie treats. It is a challenge to stay on track with any healthy eating plans this time of year.

Try these strategies to tide you over Christmas and the New Year. 

  1. Steer clear of the nurses’ lounge when treats are on display

    Meet with a colleague for your lunch break, or go for a walk. Thank goodness food is no longer allowed at the nurses’ station, very inconvenient but great for infection control and discouraging constant nibbling.

  2. Bring your own healthy snacks to add to the spread

    This way you will be sure there will be something available that you like to eat without any of the guilt.

  3. Don’t skip your meals

    Working on an empty stomach will weaken your resolution to eat healthy. Being hungry and in need of a quick fix, is a recipe for disaster when there are cheese cake and cookies in the house.

  4. Decide on your limit at the start of your shift and stick to it! 

    Knowing that you are allowed to enjoy festive eating within limits, removes the stress of dieting. Eating healthy should not be a chore but during the transition to a more balanced diet, the decision making can be wearisome.

  5. Keep track of your nibbles

    Mindful snacking will prevent overeating. Make a list of each bite you have and you may be surprised how the calories stack up very quickly.

  6. On your days off, up the intensity of your exercise regimen

    Remember, net weight gain will be zero if you consume as much calories as you burn.

  7. Don’t let the holiday feasts scare you. Have fun. 

    Work on building your resistance muscles every time you pass those unhealthy treats and choose not to part take. Watch your giving in muscles atrophy, making it that much easier for you to stick to your eating plans in the new year ahead.