7 Ways to Lead an Unlimited Life and Achieve Nurse Wellness

One of the major challenges to achieving nurse wellness is the fact that we are constantly confronted with change that, while often positive, may be tough to get through. Between our careers and caring for our families and ourselves, life can seem very hectic. We rush around from one appointment to another, trying to “get it right” and do all that’s expected of us. Our calendars look like chicken scratches as we try to decipher what we’re supposed to do that day. We fret over how it can all be done and when.

At times like these I find it’s helpful to closely examine my beliefs of what I expect of myself and life in general. I reevaluate my beliefs so that I’m not overloading myself with expectations and demands that leave me stressed out or feeling like a failure.

I also practice the following techniques and beliefs to release stress:

  1. Meditation is key.I can’t imagine getting through a difficult time without it. Meditation is to the mind, emotions, and spirit as a shower is to the body. It cleans us out and realigns the inner gears. It also helps us to focus and stay centered and grounded in the challenging and not-so-challenging times. Taking even 5 minutes to sit and breathe, to release stress and stressful thoughts, can make a day run more smoothly.
  2. Exercise is a legal way of drugging yourself.Yes, endorphins do work. You’ll also notice that you’ll feel happier when your body is healthy. (How emotionally bad did you feel when you had that flu?) It may seem there is no time for exercise, especially if you’re a professional nurse working long shifts and have no energy. On the contrary, exercise creates energy, strength and clarity, and can be a time creator. You will miraculously have more time because you have more energy in the right places.
  3. Eat properly.It’s also a great way to deal with challenging situations for the above reasons and to achieve a complete picture of nurse wellness.
  4. Call on your support systems.If you don’t have any (oh, come on now, you do), read an inspirational book or listen to motivating music. Watching the news or a stressful television show may be counterproductive.
  5. Equip yourself with a positive attitude and faith.These are two effective tools for dealing with challenges—the knowing and understanding that things will get better.
  6. Know that times get tough.We are meant to trip up. It’s how we learn. Learning is a good thing. Or as my 78-year-old mother said the other day, “I’d better be wise. If I hadn’t learned anything by now, I’d be a sad case.”  We’re all becoming wiser each day.
  7. We can handle life one day, one breath at a time.Anticipation of too much to do or failure is a time and attitude killer. Right now you can handle what’s on your plate. Do that. Don’t worry about the future. Focus on what’s happening right now, and then the next obvious thing will come along in the next minute. Believe that all that you need to accomplish will get done and don’t get stressed over those. With less stress, we are one step closer to achieving nurse wellness.