8 Tips to Survive Your First Day at a New Nursing Job

Good for you! You created the perfect resume, aced the interview, and landed your first nursing job. However, most new nurses find it difficult to survive their first day. Change and entering unfamiliar territory is difficult for most people. Will my boss be nice? Will my co-workers like me? Do I really have enough experience to be successful? These are just a few of the scary questions you are asking yourself!

Follow these tips and you will be fine:

  1. Get a good night’s sleep and eat breakfast. Don’t get so stressed that you can’t sleep the night before your first day. Go to bed earlier than usual, if necessary, to get your 8 hours in! Make the time to eat breakfast as you normally would. A goodnight sleep is important for nurses.
  2. Be prepared. Before you go to bed on the eve of your new job, lay out the clothes you are going to wear, any necessary documents or paperwork, and your lunch for your first big day. This will not only help you sleep better, but will cut down on that “What did I forget?” feeling that will cause the jitters to creep in!
  3. Be prepared.  If there are any nuances to the job that you are unfamiliar with, study in advance so you will feel better prepared for your first day.
  4. You can do it!  When you wake up on the big day, remind yourself of how hard you worked to get this nursing job, and how well qualified you are to be a successful new nurse. Positive self-talk will chase away the jitters.
  5. Arrive early. There is nothing worse than being stressed out and then running late! Don’t even come close to being late on your first day. Be familiar with the route and arrive at least 15 minutes early. Locate the office you need to report to and go use the bathroom or whatever you need to do before you get started.
  6. People are people. Remind yourself that your new boss and co-workers are human beings just like you. I would bet they put their pants on one leg at a time this morning just like you!
  7. The world was not built in one day. And neither will the knowledge base in your new position. Remember, your boss doesn’t expect you to learn everything the first day. It will take time to round the bend of the knowledge curve. Don’t put the pressure on yourself of feeling you have to know everything when you walk through the door. No one else on the job expects that of you, so don’t put unrealistic expectations upon yourself.
  8. Relax and enjoy. These are the most important tips to be successful in the nursing job you earned.