CNA Classes in Milwaukee

CNA classes in Milwaukee are overseen by the Quality Assurance Division of the Wisconsin Department of Health. There are state-approved several facilities where one can undergo training as a CNA in Milwaukee. These include vocational schools. Technical institutes, community colleges, care facilities, and hospitals. The CNA career prospects in Milwaukee metropolitan area are impressive. This is due to the increasing demand for the skill over the years as well as the lucrative compensation packages. There are also some great training opportunities in the area, which include free training and job placement after training. Reviewed below are some of the institutions where residents can undergo training in the area.

How long does it take to become a CNA in Milwaukee?

The exact timeframe it will take for one to qualify as a Certified Nurse Aide in Milwaukee metropolitan will dependant on the particular school you will have enrolled with, and whether you are taking full-time or part-time options. However, the program has a total runtime of 120 hours. 88 hours of those are meant for classroom theory lessons, while the remaining 32 hours are for clinical hands-on practice.

How much does CNA training cost in Milwaukee?

There are quite several CNA training centers in Milwaukee metropolitan, and the training costs are dependent on the particular college you will have enrolled with. However, in general, students should expect to part with $1000 to undergo training.

How much does a CNA make in Milwaukee?

The salary that a CNA makes in Milwaukee depends on a variety of factors such as employer policy, years of experience, and the job description However, on average, Milwaukee’s CNAs make around $13 per hour.

Aurora Health Care

Aurora Health Care is a non-profit making institution in Milwaukee where residents can undergo their CNA training in the area. Its healthcare network comprises 150 clinics, 70 pharmacies, and 15 hospitals. Aurora Health Care is aimed at helping CNA aspirants fulfill their individual career goals in an environment that is supportive of their growth.

The application process for enrolment at Aurora Health Care is competitive. Prospective students should have at least a high school diploma or its equivalent. They should also have a clean criminal record in addition to undergoing drug screening and TB testing. They should also be willing to work with the institution upon completion of their program. Application documents can be sent via fax, mail, or email. Only top applicants will qualify for an in-person interview where the financial selection is made.

To graduate as a CNA at Aurora Health Care, students should have perfect attendance of the course’s lectures. During the first two weeks of the program, students should finish their homework. Failure to complete the requisite worksheets may significantly affect the participant’s overall performance. After completing the training, students will be eligible to sit for the State of Wisconsin Nurse Aide Registry Examination.

On the fee structure, generally, training at Aurora Health Care’s facilities costs about $700 for tuition and a $15 application fee. It is also important to note that students will be expected to cover the cost of the state examination, which is $195. The tuition costs cover the course material.

Aurora Health Care also offers financial aid opportunities to students in the form of scholarships and grants.

No doubt, this is one of the best places where you can enroll for a CNA course, and you get to benefit from other services such as career guidance.

J. Johnson Education Centre

The J. Johnson Education Center is a privately owned and operated health education services training institution whose prime focus is helping Milwaukee residents become Certified Nurse Aides. The center is run by Registered Nurse and was established in 1989.

Their CNA program is approved by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services and has a contact time of 120 hours. Of these, 88 hours are committed towards classroom instruction and laboratory skills. The remaining 32 hours are meant for clinical hands-on experience. Students are taught nursing skills such as bathing, positioning, vital signs, and positioning. The training is thorough and prepares students for the state licensing examination and work in hospitals and long-term care facilities.

  1. Johnson Education is manned by highly competent instructors and has limited class sizes that allow students to benefit from personalized instruction.

The CNA program at the institution is also very flexible. Students can opt for day or evening classes depending on their schedules.

  1. Johnson Education Center also offers its graduates job placement opportunities after completing the program. Therefore, students will not have to worry about seeking a job after being done with training.

Students who want to train at the education center should pay $950 for tuition. This fee also covers the costs of textbooks and criminal background checks. However, it is paramount to note that trainees are required to provide their transportation to and from clinical sites.

Milwaukee Area Technical College

Milwaukee Area Technical College abbreviated MATC is another reputable CNA training college in the Milwaukee metropolitan area. The college is known for its state-of-the-art on-campus laboratory that features cutting-edge equipment that gives medical students a great learning advantage.

The college’s CNA program is a perfect launchpad for graduates who eventually want to become Registered Nurses. The three-credit course enables students to become entry-level healthcare providers. It introduces students to basic nursing concepts such as fundamentals of patient care, medical terminologies, infection control, nutrition, activities of daily living, vital signs, anatomy, and physiology. While English is the main language of instruction, some selections are available for bilingual students. The training prepares students for work in various medical settings such as nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, hospitals, and long-term care facilities.

The CNA program at Milwaukee Area Technical College is offered throughout the year at seven-week intervals. To gain admission at this facility, prospective students should have at least a high school diploma or GED equivalent. The application documents should also include a letter of interest, a transcript from a previous school, and evidence of a clean criminal record, drug screening, and a negative TB test. The institution has limited places available, therefore interested students are encouraged to apply to avoid inconveniences.

Of course, prospective students would need to know how much it will cost to train with the facility. The costs for the program amount to $483. However, students should be prepared to cater for additional costs for expenses such as uniforms, textbooks, and supplies.

Amber House, Inc

Amber House, Inc is one of the best CNA training facilities in the Milwaukee Metropolitan Area. Their program is state-approved, and prepares students for the competency examination and work in any healthcare setting.

The institution’s training is extensive. It runs for a total of 120 hours and blends both classroom theory lessons and the much-needed clinical experiences. Students are taught all key nursing aspects that include anatomy, physiology, patient care, nutrition, vital signs, drug administration, and infection control.

The facility is manned by expert instructors, who ensure that students excel in their state certification examinations. The instructors utilize audiovisual aids, simulation presentations, and lectures to impart students with the requisite skills for a successful CNA career. The clinical hands-on part of the course is done under the supervision of a qualified nurse.

The enrolment process for CNA training at Amber House Inc goes beyond assessing for academic skills. They also consider soft skills such a good moral character, teamwork, and dedication to duty. Prospective students should also be physically fit as the training involves lifting, moving, and transferring patients from one point to another. Only a few students are selected per intake, therefore interested students are encouraged to apply early.

Quality Healthcare Options, Inc.

As its name suggests, Quality Healthcare Options is one of the healthcare education options that students who are concerned about quality can enroll with. The institution’s CNA program is approved by the Department of Healthcare Services.

The program has a total runtime of 120 hours and blends both theory lectures and clinical hands inexperience. Quality Healthcare Options’ CNA curriculum is broad and prepares students to function in any healthcare setting. The hands-on component of the program is done at an affiliated local healthcare facility under the supervision of a licensed healthcare instructor.

The instructors are committed to seeing their students excel, and they impart skills to them using simulation demonstrations, group work activities, and video learning experiences. After training, the students will be ready to sit for their state licensing examinations. These are almost a sure pass. Over the past two decades, Quality Health Options has recorded pass rates ranging from 97% to 100%.

CNA classes at Quality Healthcare Options are also flexible. This is great news to students who might have otherwise failed to undergo training due to conflicting schedules.

And here is another good news, the healthcare institution offers its economically disadvantaged students financial aid packages. Those who are interested in this opportunity are advised to visit their financial aid office for more information.

Waukesha County Technical College

Are you a Milwaukee resident, and passionate about pursuing a healthcare career? If the answer is yes, then you should consider enrolling at Waukesha County Technical College.

The institution offers a 120 hours long CNA training program that meets the requirements of the Department of Health Services standards.

The program carries three credits and introduces students to crucial nursing components through classroom lectures, laboratory skills training, and hands-on training as well. The last part of the program is done at a local healthcare facility under the supervision of a licensed clinical instructor.

After completing the training, which usually lasts for a few weeks, students will be ready to take the Wisconsin Nurse’ Aide Competency Examination through the American Red Cross. The college has had impressively high pass rates over the years, and their students have gone on to work as Certified Nursing Assistance across the entire Milwaukee area.

To be enrolled at Waukesha County Technical College, prospective students should be holders of at least a high school diploma or GED equivalent. They should also pass interviews and examinations conducted at the institution. A criminal background check, a TB test, and a drug screening are also part of the entry requirements.

It is also paramount to highlight that lectures are mandatory, and failure to adhere to this requirement may result in one being dismissed from the program.

Training at Waukesha County Technical College is done for a fee. However, the college sometimes avails scholarship opportunities to financially struggling students. To get more information on these opportunities, prospective beneficiaries are advised to visit the school’s financial aid office.

Gateway Technical College

Gateway Technical College is another facility that offers state-approved CNA classes in the Milwaukee metropolitan area.

Their course content is spread over 120 hours. The training is biased towards classroom theory lessons. These take up 72 hours of the total program runtime. It is during this time that students are imparted with the know-how of both basic and advanced nursing concepts. Taught topics include anatomy, physiology, vital signs, infection control, drug administration, and so on.

The other part of the program is the clinical hands-on training. This takes place for a total of 48 hours and helps students familiarise themselves with the real-life experiences of a healthcare facility. This section of the program is supervised by a licensed healthcare professional. Attending classes is mandatory for graduation.

The CNA training program at Gateway Technical College is offered several times per year, and classes are held on 3 campuses. To gain admission, one should have a clean criminal offense history and no known communicable disease.

Although training at the institution is done for a fee, it is paramount to note that there are scholarship and grants opportunities that are offered to those who come from a disadvantaged background. To be a beneficiary of the financial aid opportunities, one should apply at the Gateway Technical College’s offices.

Paramount Healthcare Training Institute

Paramount Healthcare Training Institute is another reputable institution where one can undergo their CNA program in Milwaukee. The college is located at number 214 South 55th street in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The training is both short and rigorous, providing an entryway into the medical career for individuals who are passionate about it. Paramount Health Training offers a holistic program for CNA aspirants. It covers theory lessons, laboratory skills training, and hands-on clinical practice. As a result, students who graduate from the facility are balanced and have no problems in tackling the day-to-day challenges that they encounter as practitioners.

Paramount Healthcare Training Institute has a low instructor to student’s ratio, allowing the latter to receive personalized training. This explains why the college usually ranks among top performers in the state examinations every year.

To gain admission at Paramount Healthcare Training Institute, applicants should be holders of at least a high school diploma, or GED equivalent. Proof of no criminal record, immunization, a negative TB test result, and drug screening complete the entry requirement documents.

Enrolment is done every month, and classes are limited. Therefore, prospective students are encouraged to apply on time to increase their chances of being offered a place.

Moraine Park Technical College

If you are thinking of signing up for a CNA program in Milwaukee metropolitan area, then you should consider Moraine Park Technical College.

The institution is aimed at fighting unemployment in the area and improving the state of healthcare services as well.

Their CNA curriculum is balanced. It ropes in both theory and practical components of the program. Students are introduced to crucial aspects of the nursing profession such as vital signs, drug administration, infection control, anatomy, physiology, personal care, patient’s rights, and so on.

The clinical practice part of the program, where students get to handle real-life healthcare situations is conducted at an affiliated local healthcare facility under the supervision of a licensed clinical instructor.

The college has a strict attendance policy. Students are compelled to attend all lectures if they are to graduate.

After the training, students will be eligible to write their state licensing examinations, and students from Moraine Park Technical College are known to do exceptionally well every session.

To find a place at Moraine Park Technical College, prospective students should be holders of a GED equivalent or high school diploma. They should also undergo criminal background checks, drug screening, and drug tests.

And guess what, Moraine Park Technical College offers economically challenged students scholarship opportunities. They will just have to apply at the school’s financial aid office.

Clearview Long Term Care and Rehab

It will be a great error to discuss CNA classes in Milwaukee metropolitan area without mentioning those offered by Clearview Long Term Care and Rehab. The course is short, rigorous, and accredited by the Department of Health Services.

Like most CNA classes in Milwaukee, the program at this facility includes both theory and practice components in an attempt to come up with a well-balanced CNA who can thrive in any healthcare setting.

The CNA program run by Clearview Long Term Care and Rehab covers various nursing topics that include basic anatomy, nutrition, physiology, activities of daily living, medical terminologies, range of motion, and so on. The clinical practicum enables students to get hands-on, as opposed to the philosophical approach of handling situations.

To be enrolled in the program, prospective CNAs need to have either a high school diploma or GED equivalent. They should also undergo a TB test, drug screening, and a criminal background check.