How Advanced Nursing Education Can Help Your Career

As a mentor to young nurses entering the profession, the question seems to always arise as to how much education is “enough”. Although every nurse must independently arrive at their own goals and ambitions, there are substantial benefits derived from advanced nursing education. There are a number of measures that can launch a nurse’s career forward, but let’s look at three of the primary benefits gained from advanced education:

Employability. Nurses who hold advanced degrees have significantly more opportunities for employment as well as amelioration. The commitment to the nursing profession, demonstrated by successful completion of advanced nursing degrees, is an attribute sought by organizations universally. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Registered Nurses (RNs) with a college education will have better job prospects than those without. In addition, all four advanced practice specialties—clinical nurse specialists, nurse practitioners, nurse-midwives, and nurse anesthetists—will be in high demand in the years ahead, particularly in medically underserved areas such as inner cities and rural areas.

Sustainability. The demand for nurses has continued to grow in recent years, in spite of layoffs in most sectors of the U.S. economy. Although nursing generally is somewhat recession-proof, when economic indicators begin to decline, those with advanced education are typically able to sustain employment more readily than those with fewer specialty skills and knowledge. This provides the educationally prepared nurse with a competitive advantage in the market.

Affordability. With growing concerns over a catastrophic nursing shortage as baby-boomers reach retirement age, many organizations now offer tuition reimbursement to facilitate their nurses’ pursuit of advanced degrees. In addition, federal grants have been made available to increase health care services in rural and underserved regions. Known as the Nursing Scholarship Program, nursing graduates exchange two years of service in underserved areas for tuition and other fees associated with their nursing education. Even without tuition reimbursement or nursing scholarship opportunities, few career choices offer as high of a placement rate as nursing.

The opportunities and advantages gained from advanced nursing education are very much like an open book. Through the cognition gained with advanced education, the professional nurse is uniquely suited for diverse roles in local communities as well as throughout the world. Desirable positions in academia, health care administration, ground-breaking research initiatives, as well as clinical autonomy in roles such as a nurse midwife or nurse practitioner, are well within the scope of the advanced practice nurse.

In addition, the opportunity to serve on local, state and national health care and nursing committees are typical avenues for giving back to the profession and those we serve. Advanced nursing education provides the professional nurse with the capabilities to foster continuing education through active leadership in professional associations and provide expertise to accreditation agencies. The inquisitive mind of a knowledge-hungry nurse must only pick up the book and let the journey begin.