Inspiration is the Key! 27 Famous Quotes About Nursing Education

Balancing your work and life schedule as a nursing educator might knock the wind out of you. In fact, there are even moments when you feel like giving up. So here are a few famous quotes that might be exactly what you need to motivate yourself again.

“You cannot prepare your pupils to build tomorrow the world of your dreams, if you no longer believe in those dreams; you cannot prepare them for life, unless you believe in it; you could not show the way, if ye are sitting, tired and discouraged at the crossroads of the roads. “Celestin Freinet

“To educate is to train people suited to govern themselves, and not to be ruled by others.” Herbert Spencer

“The main goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things not simply repeating what other generations have done; men who are creative, inventors and discoverers. The second goal of education is to form minds that are critical, they can verify and not accept everything they are offered.” Jean Piaget

“Education is not making adults as a model but release on each man that prevents him from being himself, let done by ‘genius’ singular.” Olivier Reboul

“The basic objectives of education should be to learn to learn, learn to solve, and learn to be.” UNESCO

“Those who educate children well deserve more honors than their parents, because those only gave life, those the art of living well.” Aristotle

“When a man lives in the midst of their studies and not perceives when old age comes upon him.” Cato the Elder

Alfred North Whitehead says “From the first steps of their education the child should experience the pleasure of discovery.” And I wonder what will this educational system in which the majority of student experience neither pleasure nor discovery in fact learn.

 “The art of teaching is the art of helping discover.” Mark Van Doren

“The object of teaching a child is to make it able to perform without the help of the teacher.” Elbert Hubbard

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. “William Ward

“The teacher’s job is not so much teaching everything learnable, as to produce in students love and esteem for knowledge.” John Locke

“In the education of children there is nothing like attract interest and affection; otherwise all that is achieved are donkeys loaded with books.” Michel de Montaigne

 “Good teaching is one that let the thought of another is not interrupted and that allows you, without notice, to be taking the right direction.” Enrique Tierno Galvan

“The dissemination of knowledge and education has very little taught humanity about self – control, and even less about the art of coexistence”. Hugh Thomas

“Education is the development in man of all the perfection of his nature is capable.” Immanuel Kant

“Education is not filling a bucket but lighting a fire.” William Butler Yeats

“What the teacher is, it is more important than what he teaches.” Karl Menninger

“Examples corrected much better than reprimands.” Voltaire

“Men learn while they teach.” Seneca

“The larger the island of knowledge is, the greater the banks of wonder.” Ralph M. Sockman

 “Why does society feel responsible only for the education of children and not the education of all adults of all ages?” Erich Fromm

“Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.” Bertrand Russell

“One of the shortcomings of modern higher education is that it makes too much emphasis on learning certain specialties, and too little on a widening of the mind and heart through an impartial analysis of the world.” Bertrand Russell

“An examination is the opportunity for an incompetent teacher to suspend those students who failed to teach.” Thursday

“One remembers with appreciation of his brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our feelings.” Carl Gustav Jung

 “I touch the future, I teach.” Christa McAuliffe


Teaching is never easy. You are basically shaping the thoughts and future of the next generation. So we hope that even with these quotes you would feel the role that you have on our future.