Rejuvenation Collaboration: Why Nurses Need to Manage Health and Wellness Now

As nurses, our most valuable and prized possession is our health. There is so much information out there on nurses’ health, wellness, and well-being and for many years, we have been interested in healthy living and getting your body back into its natural state, but lack the resources, time, and money to take hold of all of the remedies we would love to try.

Isn’t it time to take back control of our health and get on the path to wellness?

As sequel to its earlier series, the Rejuvenation Collaboration II has been working long and hard with each of the presenters to create its second workshop that are experiential and interactive. Guest speakers for Rejuvenation Collaboration II are actually going to speak on topics relating to career, entrepreneurship, and marketing ourselves as health care professionals.

Did you miss the first workshop? No worries! We are inviting you once more to mark your calendars. On October 1st, the Rejuvenation Collaboration II will kick-off another round of its the series with a presenter panel discussion and Facebook party. During this hour (7:30 – 8:30 Eastern Time) you will have the opportunity to meet guest presenters, hear about their workshops and ask questions.

Besides having guest presenters speak about career, purpose, and passion. They will also highlight Yoga, wealth and finances, Feng Shui, relationships, emotions and so much more!

Nurses, we know it’s really no piece of cake being tired all day from your nursing shift.  The daily struggling and the lack of energy to discuss things that really matters. Stop ignoring your body and soul’s call. How much of our lives do we pretend our bodies aren’t tired, so we can care more for others?

This is wrong. We end up in exhaustion and misery.

Listen to your body. The Rejuvenation Collaboration will help you create a caring network of your own. The speakers and all involved are fantastic resources of support that you can turn to with questions, concerns, and conversations relating to nurses’ health – even after the event is over.