Simple Strategies for Healthy Holiday Parties for Nurses

Do you have holiday party invitations coming up? It seems like events, get togethers and happy hours are never ending this time of year! Trust me, there’s no Grinch here– I love all the parties and festivities, it’s great to spend time with family and friends, but it’s also a tough time to maintain a healthy lifestyle for nurses!

My mantra at this time of year, “Maintain, DON’T gain!” So, I put together some of my favorite hints and tips for nurses to survive those fun get togethers! Go ahead and try a few at your next event and let me know your favorite!

Scope out the buffet table first to see what’s available then stick to just a few items. Studies show that the more different tastes and flavors of food you have, the more likely you will be to over eat. Then stay as far away from the table as possible. What you can’t see won’t be as tempting!

Always have a healthy snack before attending a party, so you’re not starving when you get there!

Holiday cocktails can contain an unbelievable amount of calories, so be careful, you may want to opt for a lighter beverage such as a light beer or wine. It’s also a great idea to alternate a glass of water with each alcoholic beverage!

Of course, for the best healthy tips for nurses this holiday season, learn how to control your servings. Go ahead have some holiday treats – but split it with someone or only eat half.

And, this is my favorite party tip for the female nurses! Carry a clutch purse – it’s really tough to hold a purse, a plate of food and a drink all at the same time!

Be Fit! Be Healthy! Be Happy! Happy Holidays!