Why I Chose to Dedicate My Nursing Career to Helping Others

When I chose my career, I knew it had to be something that made a difference for others. I wanted it to be a career where my God-given gifts would shine. I wanted it to allow me to use my creativity to help others. Nursing was that career.

Getting into nursing school wasn’t easy. As a matter of fact, I had to jump through a ton of hoops to get there. Even when I was accepted, there were set backs along the way. Had I chosen to give up, it would have been the worst decision of my life. My job is hard, but I am thankful and proud to be a nurse every day!

Seeing people thrive and do well makes my heart happy. Even more than that, connecting with patients and building a trusting and loving relationship with them brings me so much joy! I love being able to sit down and get to know my patients.

Patients Making a Difference in MY Life

I went through a really tough time in my life where people just didn’t understand me. They didn’t get what I was going through. Anxiety and depression consumed me. A LOT of our patient population deal with both of these.

It was the few people who came along side me and befriended me during that hard time that made a difference in my life. I didn’t feel the pressure to just “snap out of it” with them, that so many people (even family) had told me to do. It meant the world to me to have those few people to just “be there” and listen. They talked with me about things to get my mind off of my physical symptoms. They were Angels!

I wanted to be THAT to my patients. I wanted to be a listening ear! I wanted to be a big personality and spread laughter to make them feel like they were “not so much” at the hospital! I wanted to talk about their children and grandkids, and truly get to know them. You can learn so much from your patients!

I love learning about disease processes more in depth so I can better help my patients understand their care. It’s amazing the difference in their response to you when you take the time to educate them about what’s going on. In a crazy-busy nursing world, we sometimes truly don’t have time to do even just that.

I Chose a Unique Profession

I try to make a point to sit down and get to know my patients at least once a shift. I’ve found it to build rapport and lead to a better day for all. Nursing is truly a unique profession. We deal with patients at their worst, and along with that, their families sometimes at their worst. It can be quite challenging!

Although this job brings a lot of trial, requires a ton of energy, and leaves you with an emotional and physical fatigue that many will never understand, I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else! I will continue to love my patients and the nurses around me for the duration of my career.

Nursing is my passion. It gives me life! There is no better therapy in the world than being able to give to others. This is why I dedicate my nursing career to helping others!